Alumni Spotlight | Paul K. Logsdon

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Paul K. Logsdon, graduate of Leadership Springfield Signature Class 9 and longtime advisor for the Academy Class, has been an integral part of Evangel University for over 30 years. As Evangel’s Director of Public Relations, he’s helped navigate a name change, nine major construction projects, and consolidation with two sister schools, among countless other projects. Paul’s work as a communicator and Springfield advocate has not gone without recognition – he recently received Leadership Springfield’s Kenworthy Award for Outstanding Leadership. 

As Paul thinks back on his Signature Class 9 experience, his favorite memory is the opening retreat in Kimberling City. He loved getting away from the office, spending time with his classmates and building relationships that have lasted for years. Now, Paul has been involved as an Academy Class advisor, a role he’s fulfilled for 18 years. “I really enjoy getting to know the students,” Paul says, and he especially enjoys watching how they think and interact with one another. He also loves seeing those students reach the goal of getting out, getting their degree, and coming back to work in Springfield. 

Paul’s experience with both the Signature and Academy Class has increased his network and knowledge of the community. To Paul, community service is bigger than just serving on a committee – “It’s an opportunity to learn how things work and where the open doors are.” The Leadership Springfield programs have helped Paul connect with people he may have never met in other areas of the city and taught him the value of relationships. Paul’s greatest takeaway from his Leadership Springfield experience is “how important it is to be a part of a community that cares about taking care of its citizens.”

Evangel has played a large role at two different points in Paul’s life. The first was when he was a student. He worked at the university’s radio station where he found a group of friends that have given him countless memories to this day. It’s also where he met his wife, Kay, and it was the start of their teamwork which has continued on for 43 years. After graduating from Evangel, Paul went to work as a talent agent in the music business, booking concert tours for Christian rock bands. After 10 years of being away, Paul was offered a job from the late Dr. Robert H. Spence, former president of Evangel, and came back to Springfield to be reunited with his alma mater. Dr. Spence gave Paul an opportunity to work by his side as a “true public relations professional,” honoring what they believe Evangel stands for all along the way. 

Paul has worked consistently to make sure the university always puts its best face forward, even as his career evolved over the years. Paul cites the students who worked in his office as his largest impact at Evangel, saying, “I enjoy watching their skills grow and mature.” Some of his favorite memories are when he would return a piece of work to a student and say, “No changes.” Many of them have told him they regard that as one of their best days ever. When looking back on the past 33 years at Evangel, Paul simply states, “It’s been a pretty good ride.” 

Ever since returning to Springfield, Paul has been very plugged into the community. He credits watching his wife serve as the first Public Information Director for the City of Springfield as his inspiration. While Kay was involved in many meetings and he began his involvement, Paul had a front row seat to projects like Vision 20/20, the development of the Arts Council and the Jordan Valley Park. In those early years, he learned the value of public process. Paul realizes that his involvement and working under people like Dr. Spence helped him become more than just an observer. Paul mentions he has seen much growth in the area over the years, including infrastructure improvements, the renovation of the Creamery Arts Center, and of course, the total build out of Evangel’s campus. He reflects on what some people call “the Golden Age of Springfield” back in the 90s and has hopes that Springfield is on the verge of that same kind of growth and development now. He is looking forward to projects like the Forward SGF program, which he believes is “undoubtedly going to bring some new things that none of us have yet thought of.”

Nowadays, Paul is focused on winding down at Evangel with a smooth transition, while looking forward to new opportunities. He has the title of Papa to four grandchildren, which he cherishes greatly. He and Kay have been involved in their church for nearly 33 years and are continuing to serve on a class leadership team there.

To the budding leaders in the Springfield area, Paul has two pieces of advice: “Get involved and marry well.” 

In regards to receiving the 2020 Kenworthy Award for Outstanding Leadership, Paul says, “I am overwhelmed by the honor that was given to me. It was the single biggest surprise of my life. It was never a moment on my mind because I’m a behind-the-scenes guy. I’m still a little baffled but incredibly humbled and honored.”


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