The potential of a city is the potential of its people – both an individual’s potential to succeed and our collective potential to collaborate and take bold steps together. Our community is full of potential. We have knowledge, experience, talent and passion to solve challenges and engage in amazing opportunities.
Leadership Springfield exists to unlock potential in our community. We do that work through community leadership programs that inspire, develop and connect current and emerging leaders to serve the Springfield community.
Graduates of Leadership Springfield programs have unlocked potential and are plugged in to meet real needs where their strengths, passions and community need align.
Over the last four years with focused, bold steps, Leadership Springfield has risen to the challenge of meeting the demand for this work. We listened to the community. We acted on what we heard thanks to the encouragement of community partners like you. The result of your input and support has ensured a highly relevant curriculum, two Signature classes, strong Academy program and new quarterly Access Class, all sustained by a professional staff and volunteer board dedicated to making Springfield a better community.
Leadership Springfield is an opportunity for all – regardless of sector, business or entity funding. We’re at our best as a community when we can bring everyone to the table. That’s why Leadership Springfield has always offered scholarships for qualifying participants, especially those from nonprofits or small businesses. In recent years, we’ve seen the number of scholarship requests increase, even as demand for our programs has increased. At the same time, we’ve worked hard to maintain a robust and continuously improving experience for all of our program participants.
As a supporter of Leadership Springfield, you are aware of the power of this program, the doors it can open, and the long-lasting community impact we can see when engaged community leaders get plugged in.
We are asking for your support to continue to meet this mission. Will you give a gift this holiday season to the Leadership Springfield Scholarship Fund? Contributions to this fund at Community Foundation of the Ozarks are tax-deductible and ensure access for program participants who are selected to participate and need financial assistance.
Scholarships for Leadership Springfield programs are awarded by a board committee after candidates are selected for the program. As a competitive program with high demand, we remain committed to graduating classes of leaders who are talented, passionate and community-minded world-changers.
The future of our community starts now, with you and your decision to support unlocking the potential of our community leaders. Make your #GivingTuesday gift today to the Leadership Springfield scholarship fund.