It’s time to meet the candidates! What better way to do so than to hear from the candidates themselves. A shared goal to engage candidates and voters have brought together a coalition of community organizations ahead of the 2020 elections.
Leadership Springfield hosted three virtual forums to introduce the Missouri House Candidates to our alumni members and the public. The forums provide an opportunity to hear from the candidates running, learn about their policy positions, and why they are seeking this office. Questions were asked about how each candidate would represent their constituents, giving the public a clear image of who could be representing their district.
Each of these candidate forums were recorded and are now available for the public. Below are the links to each of the forums:
District 134 Candidate Forum (July)
District 134 Candidate Forum (passcode: &21cQM*#)
Not sure what district you’re in? Click here to determine your Missouri House District. Make sure to select ONLY the House District box, then enter your address.
Stay tuned for future candidate forums for other districts and issues soon!
The general election is Tuesday, November 3, 2020.