Legacy Leaders League

The Legacy Leaders League offers meaningful opportunities for individuals to sustain and bolster Leadership Springfield’s work for the long term and recognizes donors who make a deep investment through generous annual monetary contributions of $250 or more. 

Leadership Springfield believes in the legacy and strength of local leaders who are equipped with dynamic leadership development skills, informed about the complexity and interconnectedness of all aspects of our community, and engaged in the work of civic and community participation.

Individual Giving Levels

Members of the Legacy Leaders League are individuals who, through their unrestricted annual support and engagement, demonstrate the commitment and generosity of spirit and leadership at the heart of Leadership Springfield.

There are five individual annual giving levels of the Legacy Leaders League. Below you can see the annual monetary gift required for each giving level along with the benefits that come with those contributions. At every giving level, we recognize those who annually support key focus areas at the core of Leadership Springfield’s mission to inspire, develop, connect and serve the region.

Leadership Springfield is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Documentation for tax records will be provided for all charitable contributions. Legacy level gifts ($10,000+) can be one-time gifts, pledges gifted over four years, and cumulative lifetime giving.

2024-2025 Legacy Leaders

The Legacy Leaders League is our opportunity to honor the individuals who champion our work annually. At every giving level, we recognize those who annually support key focus areas at the core of Leadership Springfield’s mission to inspire, develop, connect and serve the region.

Lifetime Legacy Leaders

Larry Stock

Visionary leaders

Brooke Johnston (pledge to Lifetime Legacy over 4 years)

David Hall (pledge to Lifetime Legacy over 4 years)

Don Harkey/People Centric Consulting Group (pledge to Lifetime Legacy over 4 years)

Nikki Holden

Pitt Technology Group

Anonymous Donor

Innovator Leaders

Partner Leaders

Ben Watts

Brad Coy

Diana Tyndall/Modern Day Marketing LLC

Gretchen Russell

Spencer Harris

Stephanie Wan

Sustainer Leaders

Anonymous Donor

Bethany Burrows

Brandi O’Reilly

Caitlin Kissee

Dustin Bobbitt

Jana Greig

Jhasmine Watson

Keran Lemons

Mandy Anthes

Sarah Sissel

Tamara Conn

Dr. Thomas Prater

Tim Baltes

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